Goal Setting

Goal Setting is the foundation of my consultations. Understanding where we are coming from, where we are going to, and the plan of action are key to any program. By breaking down your goals into outcome, performance, process, and task goals, we recreate a definition for success. By focusing on controllable efforts, performance goals are obtained, and step-by-step, outcomes are achieved.


There are only so many hours available to practice. Imagery allows an individual to extend that practice time by visualizing actual skill execution. By visualizing as many senses as possible, the brain cannot tell the difference. In our sessions, you will create your own guided imagery script to help you rehearse execution, develop routines, adjust prior mistakes, and prepare to recover from performance setbacks.


How we talk to ourselves affects our perceptions, and thus our behavior. Our sessions will raise self-awareness, and uncover different strategies to take control of your inner dialogue to improve how you take feedback, handle stress, and perceive threats. Our perceptions of the sport environment impact motivation, attention, and confidence, and by improving our self-talk, all three will improve; leading to improved performance.

Relaxation &

Not all of the mental skills are mental. Sometimes we are too energized or lethargic to perform at our best. Relaxation and energization strategies allow us to adjust our energy levels to the specific needs of the sport, position, and you. The more control you have over your emotions and energy level, the more confidence you exude.